Unknome Downloads

The following table provides Unknome data files for download, covering the current and previous releases of the Unknome database.

Database release Protein summary
Protein summary
Cluster summary
Cluster summary
Full database file
03 Nov 2023 53.1 MiB .tsv.gz 248.0 MiB .tsv 2.8 MiB .tsv.gz 8.0 MiB .tsv 5.3 GiB .sqlite
16 Jun 2023 44.4 MiB .tsv.gz 213.6 MiB .tsv 2.1 MiB .tsv.gz 6.1 MiB .tsv 4.3 GiB .sqlite

Citation and Contributors

Please cite this data using the following reference:

Functional unknomics: Systematic screening of conserved genes of unknown function
Joao Rocha, Satish Arcot Jayaram, Tim J Stevens, Nadine Muschalik, Rajen D Shah, Sahar Emran, Cristina Robles, Matthew Freeman, Sean Munro
PLoS Biol. 2023 Aug; 21(8): e3002222 PMID: 37552676

License and Disclaimer

We have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License to any and all copyrightable parts of the Unknome database. We make no warranties regarding the correctness of the data presented here, and disclaim liability for any damages that may result from its use. Users of the data are solely responsible for compliance with any copyright restrictions, patents or other rights. All data is provided “as-is” without any warranty, expressed or implied.